Project Name: Create scholarships and sponsorships for Advanced Study
Project Chairperson: Anitha Nanjaiah District Chairman
Date: 25-11-2023
Participants: Inner Wheel club and Students of P.A.College of Engineering and Technology And District Chairman

Providing loans for college students is a crucial financial service that helps bridge the gap between higher education expenses and students’ financial capabilities. These loans are designed to cover a range of costs associated with college, including tuition fees, books, accommodation, and other living expenses.
Scholarship was given to two students 1.Subikshaa G- ECE -178 2.Mathumitha K-CSE-181 for their higher study by our member Mrs.Lakshmi. Each Rs. 102000/:: per year. The cheque was handed over to them by our chairman. medico student was

Providing loans for college students is a crucial financial service that helps bridge the gap between higher education expenses and students’ financial capabilities. These loans are designed to cover a range of costs associated with college, including tuition fees, books, accommodation, and other living expenses.